You get mistaken for strangers by your own friends. August 23, 2018 by jentober 32.52 mistaken for strangers ~ the national (theme – abscond)
They’re coming to get you, Barbara! August 12, 2018August 12, 2018 by jentober 31.52 night of the living dead (theme – “Jesus fucking Christ people are fucking dramatic.”) (I love this theme, but I could not for the life of me come up with a shot for it.)
The human mind is not a terribly logical or consistent place. August 5, 2018 by jentober 30.52 turn coat ~ jim butcher (theme – peace)
Somethin’ wrong in my stars. Could you look at my chart, help me heal these scars? July 29, 2018 by jentober 29.52 honey don’t think ~ grant lee buffalo (theme – interference)
Don’t hold on to me when there’s nothing to hold. July 22, 2018 by jentober 28.52 cold girl fever ~ the national (theme – can’t take it with you)